Sino dos ventos

sábado, 14 de fevereiro de 2015

Especially for you who believe that only their religion is the correct and criticizes me for not being Christian. With all due respect to evangelical people, everything has a limit. Do not force anyone to read my blog, only invite you to visit.
We live in a world where you have the freedom of religious expression. All things in life are driven by their own free will. Not hurting anyone, not fooling anyone and I have no problem saying that I am not a Christian. Respect your religion like any other, but not invade anyone space to attack, accuse or simulated. I respect your Christ, their holy book, the Bible, but did not impress me since it was made by human beings like you and me and over the years has made was very lost or changed the focus. Study so I know there are many different interpretations in local religions and many to the same passage. Never criticized anyone. I believe in reincarnation, free will, a God of peace and not an executioner God. Believe in love, not money, believe in peace and do not believe in the "seduction" of the faithful according to the needs of the upper echelons of any religion or sect. My religion is without prejudice to anyone, not preach nothing but love, peace, tolerance, strength and faith. I am a child of God and a Goddess as believe not why I attack your only paternalistic religion. Gods believe complement each other, as well as the sun and moon, Earth and Sea realize that people
I realized that people are afraid to question the Bible. I do not doubt the existence of Jesus, but I believe he was one chosen to have their "story" told and retold and distorted Christianity to create force. I have no problem with the verses you sent me, just think they are as wonderful and fantastic stories told through metaphor. The Bible is a metaphor. I do not know put comment on my blog, because in no time I force people to obtain, read and accuse me of something. I would never tell you that your belief is wrong. Respect is the best word that there is and the more dignified.
Good Bye pass.

Marisa Christina
Wicca priestess

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